
Sue e Kim - Febbraio 2025

Grazie per esservi presi cura di noi durante i nostri 23 anni a Menaggio. Siete dei professionisti meravigliosi e dei buoni amici.

Henriette and Stig Vendelbo - Novembre 2024

Our family has been spending summer vacations in Lombardy, Italy, for the past 8 years, and very quickly the dream of our own little resort in this region arose.
It is very beautiful here, and so completely different from our (also beautiful) homeland, Denmark.
We enjoy the mountains, the lakes and the temperature, the language, the food and the atmosphere.After several years in the same area, we feel ‘a bit at home’ and we like to ‘know’ the neighbors and greet each other.
In our everyday life, it can sometimes be a bit busy, which is why we enjoy going on holiday to the same place again and again. And again.
We don’t have to spend time looking for a good restaurant or a bar with extra good coffee, because we already know exactly where to go.
After a few days of total relaxation, we are ready to explore new places, and there are many places to visit, both in Lombardy and in the neighboring regions.

Since 2019 we have been in contact with Immobiliare Menaggio, and in autumn 2023 we became seriously aware of a vacant property in our preferred area.
The location was important, the price as well, and then it was our wish that a future holiday home was not already renovated, because we like it a bit old-fashioned.
In February 2024, we went down and looked at the apartment, and it was a great reassurance for us that the estate agents had arranged it with the seller so that we had the apartment on hand until we had seen it.

Prior to our viewing trip, the estate agent had sent photos and a description of the condition of the apartment, as it had been empty for a number of years. We were therefore prepared that it was an apartment that needed a ‘loving hand’ – which it was, we had requested.
Over the years, we have looked at a handful of apartments, and this particular one was more than we had dared to dream about, so already during the showing we told the real estate agents that we would like to buy the home.
The good service we had received leading up to the inspection tour continued after this, and the estate agents took care of all the work surrounding the transaction, as well as helping us to get a ‘Codice fiscale’, which is the Italian tax code.
Because our apartment had been empty for for a number of years, all supplies were closed, and the real estate agents helped us to open up that too, – even after we had taken over the home.

So far, we only speak and understand a lot a little Italian, so it has been an invaluable help, which we have greatly appreciated.

We highly recommend Immobiliare Menaggio.
Sincerely, Henriette and Stig Vendelbo

Katharina - Ottobre 2023

My family and I are so satisfied that we worked with “Immobiliare Menaggio”. We thank the great team in the office , especially Leila and Nadja. They are both very professional, always got back to us and organized everything.

We bought our little dream apartment and were so grateful for the professional presentation of the apartment up to accompanying us to the notary appointment. They were able to answer all our open questions and are always available and reliable. Thank you very much

Kind regards Katharina

Maria Grazia - Luglio 2023

Gentile Signora Caraccio,
la vendita della nostra casa di Lenno si è felicemente conclusa in tempi brevissimi.
La ringrazio ancora per la gentilezza, la disponibilità e la professionalità che ho sempre potuto riscontrare.
La prego di estendere i miei ringraziamenti anche a Laila, che è sempre intervenuta puntualmente e con buon umore quando è stato necessario.
Grazie ancora e auguri di buon lavoro e buona estate.
Maria Grazia Verga

Dott.ssa Silvia C. - Lug 2023

Cara Nadia,

con la presente per ringraziarti formalmente per tutto lo sviluppo, la cooperazione e l’amicizia che ci hanno permesso di lavorare in sintonia e in armonia, verso e nel perfezionamento della comune pratica.

È stato un viaggio lungo, durato qualche anno, ma in questi tre anni e di fronte a nuovi scenari, imprevisti e cambi di rotta, siamo riusciti a siglare l’atto notarile e di questo tanto dobbiamo alla tua sempre dimostrata e rinnovata disponibilità.

In breve, ti ringraziamo formalmente per la tua preparazione, professionalità e disponibilità; nonché per ultima ma non certo per importanza, simpatia e amicizia.

Nella speranza di poter collaborare in futuro, ti abbraccio cordialmente.

Con affetto stima e simpatia.



Per molto tempo abbiamo collaborato con il meraviglioso personale dell’Immobiliare Menaggio, sia in occasione di acquisto, che di vendita di un immobile e siamo stati completamente soddisfatti! Abbiamo trovato professionalità, disponibilità, ascolto, comprensione e molto altro ancora! Nadia, in particolare, è riuscita a farci vivere momenti tesi con tranquillità e lucidità, facendosi carico di tutto, dandoci appoggio continuo e senza mai spingerci verso scelte affrettate, a volte anche contro il suo interesse! Abbiamo collaborato con altre agenzie ma…Immobiliare Menaggio è impareggiabile!
Grazie ragazzi, grazie Nadia!

Maggio 2022

Abbiamo avuto modo di apprezzare la serietà e professionalità dell’Immobiliare
Menaggio dimostrata per la vendita della nostra casa. In particolare Nadia, che ci ha
accompagnato in tutto questo periodo di visite, trattative e disbrigo delle complesse
pratiche necessarie al passaggio di proprietà, si è sempre dimostrata persona seria,
professionale, discreta e sempre pronta a darsi da fare per superare i normali
ostacoli che la vendita di un immobile comportano. Parere dunque assolutamente

Fabio - Milano - Marzo 2022

Quando abbiamo conosciuto Nadia dell’immobiliare Menaggio abbiamo subito percepito una grande professionalità che è stata poi assolutamente confermata nei mesi successivi all’incarico. Le attenzioni nelle piccole cose che Nadia, Leila e il signor Maffioli hanno dimostrato, hanno confermato la nostra prima impressione; la loro empatia ci ha fatto vivere l’esperienza della vendita con totale serenità. La vendita, che non era per nulla semplice per noi che siamo residenti a Milano, si è svolta in modo tranquillo, perché loro ci hanno sempre fatto sentire così. Anche i piccoli problemi che sono sorti, sono stati risolti in modo esemplare.
Esprimo un parere assolutamente positivo dell’agenzia che ha seguito con precisione, disponibilità e cortesia.

Shala e Kyle - Gennaio 2022

We have very much enjoyed working with Leila and Immobiliare Menaggio to sell our property in Menaggio. With her persistence and help, she navigated us through a complex sale, which required coordination between the US and Italy and had some technical complications. She was always positive and encouraging throughout the whole process. She was able to explain the process and communicate to us very well in English as well. We are grateful for her hard work. We would highly recommend her.

Grazia Cetti - Gennaio 2022

Ciao mi chiamo Grazia Cetti vi consiglio Agenzia immobiliare Menaggio, persone gentilissime e preparate.

La mia trattativa è  stata seguita da Leila con lei mi sono trovata benissimo sempre disponibile e carina e vi assicuro che non è scontato trovare persone così oneste visto una brutta esperienza avuta con altra agenzia

Grazie ancora Agenzia immobiliare Menaggio

Murielle and Michel Oth , Aprile 2021

We engaged with Immobiliare Menaggio in January this year to conclude the purchase of our Apartment in Vercana in March. Our experience with this Real Estate Agency can be summarized with 4 words: Nothing short of amazing ! Leila and Nadia are 2 real Stars. They walk the talk, play it with full transparency and are extremely efficient and effective in how they look after us. And the latter goes far beyond the simple buying transaction. Leila is always available to respond to our questions and make tons of arrangements in the absence of our on site presence. We cannot thank her enough for making our investment such a pleasant experience. Outstanding job by Immobiliare Menaggio, terrific customer care by Leila! This is the place where Customer and Service have a capital C and a capital S !!

Barbara Caradonna - Aprile 2021

Ho avuto modo di conoscere Nadia, suo marito e la sua collaboratrice grazie alla ricerca di un appartamento che rispecchiasse il mio desiderio e il mio confort, oltre che alla praticità. Vivendo in una zona prettamente turistica il numero di agenzie è elevato, ma fra tutte ho scelto Immobiliare Menaggio per diverse caratteristiche una di queste? La cortesia. Nadia, in modo particolare, ha sempre avuto una capacità organizzativa ed è sempre stata presente in qualsiasi circostanza che riguardasse la mia futura casa. Ancora oggi, per qualsiasi cosa Lei è il mio punto di riferimento…non resta che ringraziare per la serietà, disponibilità e competenza.

Barbara Caradonna

Rosemarie Martin e Joya - Marzo 2021

Our heartfelt thanks go to Leila. It gave us great pleasure to be looked after by such a trustworthy and competent person. Again and again, we were informed comprehensively and well advised about the next steps.

We had been looking for a nice apartment on Lake Como for a long time. We invested a lot of time, looked at many properties, and weighed up between the many beautiful places on Lake Como. Ideas and ideas had to be buried again and again. We had almost decided to refrain from it. In November 2019 we finally found the property that met almost all of our wishes. We became aware of this through the beautiful and expressive pictures on the Immobiliare Menaggio website.

After that everything happened very quickly. In the beginning the first contact with Leila by email. All questions were answered promptly and professionally. During the first inspection, we knew immediately that this is the property that was worth waiting for so long.

In all phases, from research to certification at the end of February 2020, we received the maximum support from her and the entire Immobiliare Menaggio team.

Since then we have always felt very well looked after. If something does not work or a problem arises, Leila always gives us top after-sales service, which we appreciate. Thanks to the support, we can always look forward to our property fully and without restrictions.

Immobiliare Menaggio is a serious and competent partner who masters the bureaucratic jungle well and was able to realize our purchase on time, efficiently, and with full transparency.

We still have full confidence and can recommend Leila and the Immobiliare Menaggio team as reputable real estate agents with a clear conscience to anyone who would like to buy a property on Lake Como.

Tantissimi saluti grazie mille 😊

Rosemarie Martin e Joya

Monica Hovey - Dic 2020

I have been looking for an apartment in Lake Como, specifically in Menaggio for a while. Came across this real estate agency and I struck gold. Not only they have found the perfect place for me, they are very professional and know the real estate and all the side aspects of it inside and out. Nadia was and still is AMAZING, helped my all the way to the closing of the deal and more. She is still helping me changing all the electric, gas and water bill to my name and she is going above and beyond to assist me with all questions I have, she made suggestions and gave me very helpful advises, I couldn’t have found my dream place without her and her team. I Highly recommend them!!

Lia Pagani - Nov 2020

Malgrado il periodo poco propenso, la vendita della nostra casa è andata a buon fine. Nadia e Leila  hanno seguito con scrupolo, perizia e serietà la trattativa dall’inizio fino alla firma del contratto con l’acquirente straniero. Grazie per la vostra disponibilità e cordialità.

Certamente consiglio.

Rosanna Scapolan - Nov 2020

Un grazie sincero per la vostra collaborazione, efficienza e competenza Un grazie particolare al sig. Maffioli che si è prestato ad essere il mio “alter ego” in questo periodo di ‘segregazione’ forzata

Spero di poterlo ringraziare personalmente magari la prossima estate.

Simon Graemer - Nov 2020

Our experience with Immobiliare Menaggio was totally positive – from the beginning to the signing, their service was professional and reliable. Leila and the team are a delight to deal with and very helpful in matters that go beyond just showing a property for sale, for example setting up the electricity and gas accounts and advising generally with their local knowledge. Will be heading back there should there be another property transaction!

Carlo Aurisano - Nov 2020

Comunque fosse un immobile di basso valore l’impegno e la  disponibilità sono stati davvero impeccabili.
Un perfetto equilibrio di tutela sia del venditore che dell’acquirente.
Presenti in ogni momento , con risposte immediate e precise. Non mi aspettavo che si sarebbero occupati anche delle volture delle utenze ma cosi è stato.
Davvero una agenzia in armonia con il magnifico territorio su cui lavorano.

Marianne Schaffner - Nov 2020

Mein herzlichstes dankeschön geht an Leila,Nadia und Stefania von immobiliare menaggio. ich habe soeben eine wohnung in menaggio gekauft. vom ersten kontakt bis jetzt hat alles bestens geklappt. sie waren und sind zuverlässig, engagiert, flexibel, pünktlich, hilfsbereit, sehr freundlich und überaus kompetent. ich hätte mir keine bessere betreuung vorstellen bzw. wünschen können. da ich die sprache (italienisch) nicht perfekt beherrsche war und bin ich für ihre unterstützung sehr dankbar. die unterstützung geht auch nach dem kauf weiter …..für alle dokumente die ich noch brauche bzw. ausfüllen muss, ich kann auf ihre hilfe zählen.
ich kann die agentur „immobiliare menaggio“ also mit gutem gewissen empfehlen !!!!
für mich die beste italienische agentur überhaupt….!!!!!
Leila mille grazie per tutto !!!!!!!

Lotta & Carl - Sweden - Nov 2018

Dear Leila & Enzo,

We are most happy with all your support throughout the buying process of our apartment overlooking lake Como. Both prior to the purchase, during it and not to mention all your positive support and help afterwards, when it comes to having our little gem under supervision, when we are at home in Sweden. Your high competence and “down to earth” approach is highly recommendable!

Cari Saluti,

Lotta & Carl

Marie - France - Ago 2018

Nadia et Leila nous ont beaucoup aidés pour la vente de notre maison de famille. Elles ont tout pris en main pour nous faciliter les démarches car nous sommes loin.
Un grand merci à elles deux pour leur professionnalisme et  à Nadia en particulier pour sa patience et gentillesse.

Thomas Marcantonio - Nov 2016

My appreciation to the friends at Immobiliare  Managgio

I say friends, because upon accepting the commission to sell or purchase a property you can relax knowing at all times your interests are safeguarded.

Ensuring the presentation and advertising a property is marketed to a very high standard, I came to realize just how knowledgeable they were on all the legal aspects, needed in finalizing my sale, for this I shall be eternally gratefull.

With many thanks  and appreciation


Kate - Sett 2016

Dear Leila, Enzo and Nadia,

Thank you very much for all your help and hard work with our property at Lake Como for almost 12 years. Your professionalism, integrity and excellent service made both the purchase and sale process go smoothly for expat clients. You went above and beyond with all your help setting up utilities, notifying the commune, opening a bank account and recommending shops etc! You also provided wonderful service managing the rentals over the years and again when we sold the property.

I highly recommend your agency to both vendors and buyers and wish you all the best!


Berit and Svend Aage Laursen - Denmark - Lug 2016

Dear Nadia and Enzo,

during our purchase of an apartment on Lake Como, it has been a pleasure to work with you. There have throughhout the process been great focus on finding the property which corresponded to our wishes.

Also after the purchase has been completed, you have both been very helpful when we had questions or tasks to be solved with regard to the apartment. The entire process surrounding the purchase, saw that it was not only important for you to sell a house, but also that we as buyers should be pleased with the progress.

We have full confidence in you, and we highly reccomend you as some very serious and well-functioning real estate agents, and who take pride in delivering a good buy.

Best regards,

Berit and Svend Aage Laursen – Denmark

Jo & Peter - Sett 2015

Leila, Nadia and Enzo

The service we received from you when searching for and subsequently buying our house in Menaggio was wonderful.  You helped us in so many ways, over and above simply selling us a house.  Your attention to detail in the negotiations and the purchasing process made everything go so smoothly.  Your assistance was invaluable especially where dealing with banks was concerned.  Since we bought our house we have come to rely on you to help us with so many aspects of living in Italy from accountants and taxes to setting up direct debits for our bills.  You have helped us gain our permission to build a swimming pool for which we are most grateful.  Even though everything is now set up and running, we feel we can turn to you for help as friends. Thank you to all of you.
Jo & Peter

Mike and Philippa - Lug 2015

Thank you dear Immobiliare Menaggio!

Over the years the Team Immobiliare has not only helped us obtain 2 properties, manage these, but also sell both of them. The service is second to none, the support sensational. The professionalism, enthusiasm and hard work of Leila, Nadia and Enzo really impressed us and we feel they did an exceptional job. Leila, Nadia and Enzo are undoubtedly the best address for real estate on the Lago.  Thank you all – you are a great Team!

Nikolaus e Ulrike - Mag 2015

Una casa in Italia – Un sogno?

Chi vorrebbe avverare quel sogno, non ha solo bisogno di entusiasmo per una vita nel Sud oppure di qualche conoscenza fondamentale del paese e della gente che abita lì. Servono sopratutto consigli precisi e una consulenza concreta che non promette nulla che alla fine non sarebbe realizzata.

Anche noi avevamo quel sogno di una casa sul Lago di Como senza sapere i dettagli come riuscirci. Però avevamo la fortuna nel 2004 di conoscere l’ “IMMOBILIARE MENAGGIO” – per noi un vero colpo di fortuna. Con l’ aiuto del signor Enzo Maffioli e sue collaboratrici avevamo l’ occasione di scoprire quale delle numerose offerte di ville e case corrispondeva per lo più alle nostre aspettative. Il risultato è stato una nuova costruzione secondo una pianta di un’ architetto. Il carico dell’ IMMOBILIARE MENAGGIO non era solo di preparare il contratto di compravendita, ha anche accompagnato tutto il processo dei lavori e la communicazione fra noi e l’ impresa edile fin al giorno in cui si svolgeva il trasloco dalla Germania in Italia. Tutto andava bene e ora ci abitiamo già da più di 8 anni e siamo contentissimi della qualità della casa.

Il nostro sogno si è avverato e la nostra fiducia nell’ IMMOBILIARE MENAGGIO si è realizzata 100% tramite i risultati. Se c’ è qualcuno che abbia lo stesso sogno gli consigliamo di cercare e accettare proprio la stessa consulenza competente e leale.

Menaggio, in aprile 2015

Dieter and Christine - Mag 2015

Dear Leila,

thank you very much for all the efforts you made to sell our appartement in Menaggio sucessfully in a very short timeframe.

The support of the entire team of Immobiliare Menaggio was very professional and most probably we would have been not able to provide all documents and informations we needed to finally close the deal at the notary.

We also would like to thank you for the perfect translations into english and the easy and fast communication via phone or eMail. It was a pleasure to work with you and the entire Immobiliare Menaggio team. We can definitly recommend Leila and Immobiliare Menaggio to everybody who wants to sell his property.

Best regards from Augsburg, Germany